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After purchasing my system in November I have now completed the installation. I have tried to programme my cars Homelink system to the control panel of my liftmaster Sub 300 in the same way that I programmed the key fobs. This did not work. Can you help
(28-04-2010, 04:03 PM)Mike Thirsk Wrote: After purchasing my system in November I have now completed the installation. I have tried to programme my cars Homelink system to the control panel of my liftmaster Sub 300 in the same way that I programmed the key fobs. This did not work. Can you help

Hi, you need to speak to your car dealer on this im afraid. if your car is homelink compatible then it may need to be activated, then you need to find someway of triggering the remote inside the car, your dealer should be able to help you on this. with the sub kit you just need to press CH1 on the control board and then when you know how to trigger the signal from your car, you should be sorted.

Hope this helps
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